ReClaim GC – So it was a con all along!

For some time now I have been spreading the word about ReClaim GC and Eugen Kaiser, after handing over money and joining an ill fated law suit!

I have suspected for some time that the actual court case was going nowhere, ReClaim GC and Canarian Legal Alliance who they are in bed with, went extremely quiet and had stopped boasting about winning cases. In fact the truth was cases were being dismissed and their earlier winning cases had been over turned/

Well all legal action has now stopped due to the courts formally dismissing the cases, stating that there has been no wrong doing on behalf of the company the allegations were made against, in this case Silverpoint.

The article can be found here,

So what now, well I would guess none of us are going to see any of our money again, ReClaim GC will come up with a reason for not refunding anything, even after claiming, no win, no fee. Once again, Eugen Kaiser, Paula Beatson and all the other cronies have lined their pockets at the expense of others.

ReClaim GC is a CON……..

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