The Con Artists

For some time now the Timeshare Industry has had a bad reputation and has never really come under any official governing body. I detailed in my first post about my treatment at the hands of a company called ReClaim GC, led by the unscrupulous Eugen Kaiser. The company claim to be able to claim you money back against mis-sold timeshare products. The amazing thing about this is Eugen Kaiser used to do exactly that, mis-sell timeshare products. Back in 2013 he alongside his financial mastermind, Paula Beatson were arrested by authorities in Gran Canary accused of running a 4.3 million timeshare scam, this had been going on since 2007. They were also accused of fraud in 2006 but were never prosecuted. At the time they were operating under several names including Voyager Travel and Lifestyle Holidays.

They seemed to have got away with it again though as they currently have a company called CLA Marketing SL and ReClaim GC as well as being involved with Canarian Legal Alliance. How can Eugen Kaiser and Paula Beatson still be in business and more importantly now trying to scam and con people even more by offering to get them refunds on products they themselves once sold?

My aim is to spread the word about these two and ensure nobody falls for one of their con’s in the future.

Details of the original arrest can be found here,

And it appears I am not the only one on a crusade, I found another blog here as well,


A Crusade Against ReClaim GC, Eugene Kaiser & Canarian Legal Alliance

I’ve decided to write this blog to highlight a recent con I fell foul to and hope that it will prevent others from making the same mistake, the naming and shaming is all to do with RECLAIM GC, EUGENE KAISER, CANARIAN LEGAL ALLIANCE & GC RESORTS.

I’m sure I will come across other names and companies as it seems that the protagonists have a large web of aliases.

My story started with the death of my wife a couple of years ago, around that time I was cold called by ReClaim GC, informing me that they were starting legal action against the company through which I had my timeshare, they claimed I was missold and was entitled to my money back and compensation. I have no problem with the product I was sold and dismissed their call, however they were very persistent and persuasive, calling me back every day, eventually and after talking to my family and none of them expressing an interest in my weeks, I agreed to attend a meeting, they wore me down. I figured if I wasn’t going to get a use from my weeks anymore I may as well get rid of them.

The meeting was all very positive as you would expect, full of promises about how they were going to win all the cases and how we would be receiving money back and compensation. It was also a no win no fee, but and it’s a big but, I paid 11,000€ upfront, to go into a pot to cover expenses (I think this is the line they used); this would obviously be refunded if there was no win.

At first they did indeed win cases, however these were appealed, so the process was slow, at that point all contact with them was very good, however they then started losing cases, the product sold to us was an investment scheme and did fall within the Timeshare Code, so there is no real chance of them actually carrying out their promises, they are just going to continue to lose cases.

I requested to withdraw at this point and take me money back, I was then referred to a company called, Canarian Legal Alliance, I spoke to them about not proceeding as I saw it as a waste of time and requested my money back. Well it will come as no surprise that I was told, the contract couldn’t be cancelled and I couldn’t have my money back as it had already been used pursuing these legal cases. So much for No Win, No Fee!

At the end of the day, I was foolish but they also caught me at a vulnerable time in my life, the money is not important to me, fortunately and I know how that makes me very lucky, but for other people it is important.

I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to others, so I will be scouring the internet to expose these crooks, so watch this space. If you want to contribute, please feel free to do so.
